Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Surviving Super Tuesday

I don't know about you, but Super Tuesday seemed just like Super Monday, or pretty much like Super Wednesday.

The results should tell you that we, meaning the Republicans, are not sold on any of them.

Some voted for Mitt, some voted for Newt, some voted for Rick, some even voted for Ron. I feel like I'm on a first name basis with these chaps after all the media hype.

What this should tell you is that everyday Republican's such as myself don't expect much. We all know what we're going to get if one of these fine examples gets into power.

They're going to be the same do nothing, status quo, Republicans that have inhabited the White House since Regan.

We all know that healthcare wont get fixed, social security wont get fixed, jobs wont come back any quicker.

There might be another war, to further thin the ranks of middle class recruits. But by God,  they will lower your taxes.

Everything will stay the same, because that's how Mitts, and Newts, and Ricks, and Ron's real boss, the 1% NRP want's it.

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