Monday, March 5, 2012

It's all in the Budget

The first thing to do that will improve your finances and greatly improve your life, is to put yourself on a budget. When you control your money instead of letting your money control you, you will be able to sleep better at night, and breath better during the day.

It's really easy to get started on a budget.

1. Write down how much you make each month.

2. Write down all your bills, their due dates and the dates of your paydays.

3. Figure out which bill needs to be paid on what payday.

4. Write down how much you need for necessities ........... FOOD, GAS,  and MORTGAGE OR RENT.

5. Always pay yourself first. You always need to always have money in your pocket to keep you inspired to keep going with your budget.

Alert............ Don't budget down to the last penny. There will always be variations, you will always need to have a few dollars left over for variations.

6. Create a notebook to record your monthly allocations.

 First ..... the necessities should have a page dedicated for each thing. A page for groceries, a page for gas, a page for rent etc.

Then write down your bills according to paydays, with each bill on a separate page.

7. Be diligent and pay off all consumer credit card debt.

8. Set aside money each month for your emergency fund. Have as much money in this fund as you can stand.

So that's it in a nutshell. It's really simple. People who have never put themselves on a budget are controlled by their money, or lack thereof. When you put yourself on a budget, you have the last word, you are in control. On a budget, you will be surprised by how much money you really have.

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