Thursday, March 8, 2012

Free America

I love rainy days, it's raining here. It's nice to go outside and breathe in the humid, clean air smell. It's like the rain just gave the earth a bath, and washed off all the dust.

I want to recommend that everyone start reading BARRON'S weekly newspaper. I've read it for years.  This weeks issue has a picture  of an obviously wealthy couple planting money trees in a lawn of green grass. The leaves on the money trees are currency. It's  Hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to Politics .........................

Here's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.  The Republicans lower taxes, but they don't worry about anything else. Democrats want to raise taxes, but they are willing to change things up if situations get dire enough. Democratic leadership believe that they are so far superior to you and I that they know best how to spend other people's money. And who can blame them sometimes, I swear have you noticed what walks the earth these days. Just walk through Walmart sometimes.

Now, I am a Republican, but I have to tell you that I'm glad there was a Democrat in the White House when the great recession hit. What Obama did was let Gheitner do whatever it took to save our financial system. We who ever hope to be able to retire owe a debt of gratitude to Obama on that one. The Republicans wouldn't have done what Gheitner did. The Republican leadership would have done nothing to save the economy. Why, because they've already got theirs, so they're not so eager to fix things. They would have sat there as all good do nothing Republicans do, and watched as the economy fell off a cliff. If that had happened I or my wife would never had a hope of retiring. We would have had to work forever. We need middle class Republicans to step up into politics so we can get some needed things done for the country.

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