Monday, March 5, 2012

Market Movers

The market was a little down, down, down today. 

This is a good thing, it means stocks went on sale, and the stock you would have bought anyway, you can now get at a lower price.

US Dollar Index  79.37  -0.08   Usually goes up on a down day, but not today.

Oil   107.089   The continued high price of oil, I suspect, was one reason why the market was a little glum today.

Russell 1000  Largest capitalized stocks in the market  755.35  -3.20

New Highs          Nyse  81     Nasdaq  52     Amex  11
New Lows                    41                   31                  8 

This tells you the market is losing steam.

China ......... Reported today that their economy is slowing down, this was probably the real reason why the market was spooked a little today.

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