Monday, March 5, 2012

Free America

                    Doomsday......... Is it the end of the world as we know it?

Are we ready ? 

              My wife and I have started watching a show on the National Geographic Channel called Doomsday Preppers.  It's very interesting, the show interviews different people who have different ideas on what will cause the end of the world. These people aren't the run of the mill survivalists. The people on the show are preparing for the event that they think will be the catalyst for the end of society here in the United States . They are being proactive in their preparations, basically they are stocking up on foodstuffs, and learning how to defend themselves. Wait..... aren't we all supposed to be doing that, maybe not at the steroidal level as these people are, but aren't we all supposed to be a little self sufficient?  Doesn't it stand to reason that being self sufficient would be one of the core values that helps keep us all free.?

                   The other thing I've been thinking about is super Tuesday. Actually, I've been hunting for my voter registration card all day. Don't you just hate it when you get something on your mind, you can't stop looking until you find it. It will drive you crazy. The vote is tomorrow, if you are a Republican, go vote....... it's your duty as an American.

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