Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Market Movers

The FED :  Saying that there would be no more QE or quantitative easing for a while, but that option was still on the table.

US Dollar Index..................... 80.15  +0.30

Oil ................ 106.72  +0.30  Oil keeps rising. It's been said that by the middle of summer we could be looking at 5.00 oil.

Russell 1000  Large Caps         772.98   + 13.85

Russell 2000 Small Caps           831.23   + 16.94

Russell 3000  Whole Market     828.29   + 15.00

The small cap stocks are the leaders of the pack right now.

Vix   14.80   -0.84

Anytime the vix is under 20 the market is in the process of topping out, time to sell, not to buy. 

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