Thursday, March 1, 2012

ETF Spotlight

Symbol --- COW   i Path Dow Jones UBS Livestock

I love the ETF's because anything you are interested in trading, any markets, any sectors or anything else, you can find an etf that mirrors the investment. This ETF invests in futures contracts of lean hogs and live cattle. In other words it mimics the performance of the livestock commodity market.

Today's Price 30.95  +0.36  ( 1.18% )

This ETF is cool because you don't have all the godawful expenses associated with being a cattle rancher, and you don't have to worry about taking possession of thousands of pounds of beef or lean hog carcases, that you might have to deal with if you got stuck holding the bag on the wrong side of a futures trade.

One reason I like this ETF, is because the price of beef is going way up. There are far fewer cattle in the US this year than there has been in many years because of the recession and inflation. When this condition occurs the law of supply and demand kicks in.

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