Thursday, March 29, 2012

Free America

Get ready, American manufacturing's on the Rise.

Way back before the  dawn of time, in the 1980's , when Reagan was still trying to convince all of us that the 1% were really swell people, and that they only had our best interests at heart, a curious thing began to happen. Manufacturing jobs, and plants, and factories, and warehouses all slowly began to vanish. Where were they going? No one knew, no one cared to ask, because America was asleep. Times were good, and no one wanted to rock the boat. By the time Clinton rolled into Washington, the 1% were shipping off as many middle class jobs as they could shove on any boat they could find. They were actually breaking a sweat, for the first time, in their efforts. So what did Clinton do for the hard working 1%. He built an express way for the one percent to carry off even more precious American jobs called NAFTA. Why would anyone want to do such a idiotic, shortsighted thing? This is the reason why it now takes over a year to find a new job, if you are unemployed, because there are no good quality jobs here anymore. The first reason, is to further break the earnings power base of the middle class, and secondly if you can get a Chinese peasant worker to bust his ass for 15.00 dollars a day instead of having to pay an American 200.00 then by golly the end for the 1% justifies the means, even if you have to cripple the United States and sell it out to the enemy, the People's Republic of China to do it. Higher paying factory jobs had become the crutch for lazy, stupid middle class workers, to remove these jobs was a way for the 1% to cripple the earnings standard by which all other jobs were measured. If the 1% took that away, then all other workers in all other businesses would have to settle for less wages, because they wouldn't know any better, and because they would have nothing to compare it to.  The 1% had already defeated the labor unions and rendered them powerless, this was just the coup d' grace shot to the head to finish the middle class off.

Today there was an article on Yahoo finance that stated that Apple's new CEO Tim Cook was going to " substantially improve wages and working conditions" in the factories that produced their products, and promised to cut down on " extreme hours worked, and unpaid overtime".  Sounds like sweat shop conditions to me. The only reason why Apple is doing this is because a group called the Fair Labor Association called them on it, believe me folks, these corporations are not going to do anything for anyone if they don't have to. There have been reports of Chinese workers committing suicide in order to remove themselves from the deplorable working conditions that they find themselves in. Can you imagine how bad it would have to be to kill yourself to get away from your situation, you would have to feel like you had no other choice.  If they could take away our guns, American corporations would have us all chained to our jobs. I have heard the talking heads on CNBC talk about the gradual return of manufacturing to the United States because Chinese peasant workers are finally rising up and demanding more wages and benefits. You watch, as more Chinese workers get a clue, the 1% will bring manufacturing back to the United States where wages have been driven down because the middle class have no power, and because they have all been brainwashed into becoming dumb dumb worker bees.

Chinese workers need to continue to rise up and demand higher wages, and the respect they deserve. Americans need to wean themselves off of being someone's " employee ", and develop businesses to own themselves. When you're the owner, you're "free", when you're the employee, you're the "servant", but in most cases you are the "slave". Let's all take our freedom back America, before it's too late for the Americans that are here after we are gone.

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