Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Free America

I hope everyone has had a good day today, my day has been contemplative.

                I received a call yesterday from my US senator. He was doing a live phone meeting with the constituents. My question to him was about health insurance reform. Dude would not let me get a word in edgewise. It was obvious that if he didn't come up with the idea, he wasn't interested in hearing anyone elses ideas. Wait a minute, don't politicians work for us ? So, shouldn't they be listening to their employers. I thought it was typical politician behavior. It really showed me he didn't give a flip about health insurance reform.

This leads me to think of another subject that I'm interested in,. United States History, particularly the American Revolution. You know, if the Brits had treated us as equals, and with respect, and as a business partner, not just as a group of people they could extract wealth from, then we would all be speaking a better accent than we do today.

The other thing that I've been thinking about are bullies.

Particularly bullies that hang out on the internet.

These pencil neck geeks, trolls, get wicked nasty brave behind a keyboard.

These same pencil neck geeks would soil their pants if they had the misfortune of meeting me face to face.


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