Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Will America be the next THIRD WORLD country?

How's it out there for you?

Getting everything you want out of life ?

How's that job of yours, are you too job scared to take a vacation?

Do you feel like the people you work for are taking advantage of you?

Well, they are, and if you are an average American worker, I hate to have to clue you in, but you are screwed.

At the turn of the last century, the American worker, had an opportunity to significantly better their working situation. They were smart and savvy enough to realize that their labor was making someone else a lot more money than what they were being paid for producing the goods and services. So they thought, what if we band together and demand better wages, maybe even better working conditions. Imagine that. When the worker bees of that time period wanted to better themselves, they became united, thus the unionized labor movement was born.

At the same time the 1% per centers, opened the office curtains, and looked down with disdain as they saw their slaves, their wealth creators, begin to band together, and strike for better wages and working conditions, and benefits for working at these companies

Now, the masters of the universe, were scared. This was the time in history when Marx, and then Lenin were running around trying to wrench Russia from the Tsars. Communism and Socialism was beginning to become popular over here in the US as well. It was a hard scary time in America, not too far away from what it is now.

American workers wrestled with the top, and through the unions, were able to win concessions such as time off. When you are able to take Saturday and Sunday off, thank a union worker. When you can get a lunch break, or any other break, thank a union worker. When you can get a pension, rare now, or profit sharing, thank a union worker. When you are able to clock out for the day after 8 hours of toil, thank a union worker.

The 1% fought back, .  They promoted a system where the workers don't want to work together. As we speak there's a dog eat dog environment among American workers. If you try to hold out for a better wage or working conditions, the 1% stand back and just chuckle.They know that some ignorant schmuck will come along and undermine any progress the worker has made. Your benefits are going away too, how many of you have to work on Saturday and Sunday, anymore the weekend days are just part of the workweek. When I was a kid, if you asked an adult to work on Saturday or Sunday, you had better watch out because those were fighting words. All your benefits are going away, why you say, because you and I have no bargaining power. The 1% know that if we make too much of a fuss, they will just pull up and take it to somewhere like China or Malaysia.

Mark my words:  Your Children will have no benefits other than minimum wage, they will be chained to their desks

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