Monday, February 20, 2012

Utopia, not Exactly, but close.

OK, so we are the 99%

If we stick together, we can make this country a much nicer place to live.

As it is now, in the United States, a few live very well, while the rest of us struggle.

The hard part is getting everyone to band together to accomplish some really uncomplicated tasks.

1. Social Security: We all get old,  yes even the young. We all need social security to supplement our retirement.
  Enact a law that makes it illegal for politicians to squander or even touch future social security money, in effect put a lock on the social security lock box.

2. Health care. Decouple health insurance from employment so the 1% can't use it as a weapon.
    Make insurance companies truly compete for customers.
    Make health insurance premiums a percentage of income, so everyone can afford health insurance.
    Make health insurance a commodity just like everything else in this country, just like buying a car, or a can   of peaches on a grocery store shelf.

3. The Economy. Jobs are created by business, not governmental bureaucrats.
    The job of the governmental bureaucrats is to make starting a business easier than doing anything else.
    Every time a person starts a new business, the government should encourage even more business start ups.

4. The Resurgence of the Middle Class 
     We have to go back and become a nation of small business owners. Butchers, bakers, and Candlestick makers. Only when you work for yourself are you truly free, but you will never be unemployed. You will always be able to generate an income. We have been slowly brainwashed into only thinking of being someone's employee, some of us never even consider working for ourselves as a viable option.

5. Taxes
    Here's the thing about taxes. No matter how much the Democrats say they are going to tax the rich, the rich always get off paying little to no taxes. Why, because the rich can hire very expensive and smart lawyers to find loopholes for them to jump through. The poor don't pay because they stay chronically broke.

The Rich don't pay taxes.

The Poor don't pay taxes.

Only the Middle Class bears the brunt of most of the taxes collected in the United States.

Why do we have to pay taxes anyway?

Are we only paying for national defense ?

What are we really getting for all the money we are forced to give them ?

It seems we are not getting much for the amount of money we have to send in.

It almost seems like a bribe we must all pay every year to some bully we really don't like, but don't have enough power to get rid of. ..................... I'm just

These are the the things that need to be addressed and changed in the country.....

If we band together, unite, and work together for the common good, we can make the United States into a better place to live.  I can't and won't do it on my own. I need everyone to help me change this country.
I have made it so everyone who reads my posts can comment. Print this blog off and mail to every congressman and representative. We must all get involved, or the middle class will totally disappear, and the United States will turn into the newest third world country on the planet.

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