February 2, 2012
Hello America:
We all live in the greatest country the world has ever seen. We can go where we want, and do as we please. People all over the world scratch and claw and sacrifice everything they have to get here, while we that were born here grow lazier and more stupid with each succeeding generation. The reason I have decided to start this blog in the first place is the strong belief that together, both rich and poor, we all can come up with a solution to the issues of our time, the economy and the disappearance of the middle class, social security, and health care. We can fix this mess we call a country. The second belief that I have always had is that America is for everyone, not just the 1%. My goal for this blog is to turn the 99% of America into the 1% of America. Don't hate the 1%, imitate the 1%. Study and find out what the 1% did to get them where they are today. Don't hate other people just because they have more than you. I am certainly not part of the 1% myself, but I have never resented others for what they have. Can you imagine what would happen if we were all rich? I can hear all the doubters and naysayers out there that that's just a fantasy, is it really? Listen folks, it wasn't too long ago that personal computers and cell phones were just ideas bouncing around in unknown college kids heads. Now look where we are in technology. Anything is possible, and we all travel together down this path we call life. I want to thank all of you, for reading my post, and for doing the work of thinking for yourselves.
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