Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rice and Beans

To continue from the last post.

Your children will be the slaves of the one percent.

That is if you don't fix this mess now.

It has taken the 1%  right at 100 years to get back what they lost when the workers first unionized in the early 20th century.

In the future workers will have absolutely no rights, if the workers don't unionize again.

The workers will once again become the virtual slaves of the 1%

I think its funny, because the 1% took practically all of America's manufacturing to China, where workers would gladly work their asses off for $2.00 a day. 

It didn't take long for the workers in China to get a clue,  they are demanding more money for their labor.

Now the 1% are wanting to bring manufacturing back to the US, because they think the American worker is broken enough to where they will take just about anything just to have a job.

All Americans, no matter the Industry or Sector should UNIONIZE and force the 1% to share the wealth.

The Worker's Union of America For any worker not self employed.

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