Social security can be thought of as a treasure chest. We deposit money in as we work and earn wages, and then when we are old, or when we are disabled, we can withdraw the fruits of our labor. Its sort of like a mutual fund, it was designed for our mutual benefit. Now, when you see this treasure chest, you can also see the lid on the top of the treasure chest. This lid is opened every time we get paid, and our contributions are deposited. So now, over the years you would think that we would have a huge pile of money as our emergency fund, or retirement in our old age, but this is simply not the case. If you were able to open up this treasure chest you would see that it is completely empty, and then you would also see something on the bottom of the box, and that would be the outline, knob, and what looks to be hinges for another door on the bottom of this treasure chest. So what happens is that as fast as we can put money into the social security lock box, the "thieves" ..... sorry I mean politicians ..... no I really mean thieves, have withdrawn it, leaving worthless IOU's in its place. Their reasoning is that they are the government, and they have the printing press. It is estimated that in less than 20 years social security will be completely broke, wiped out. and probably not able to repay the hundreds of millions of Americans who have contributed to it. My fellow Americans, we have got to fix this.
We are in luck though, the long term fix is simple, close the bottom door permanently, seal it up, make it a crime for politicians to take money out of social security for any reason, it is our national treasure. And secondly, to guarantee everyone who has contributed will get their benefits. Over time, with monetary responsibility social security would increase to the point that people could actually afford to retire and actually live on their SSI retirement check.
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