Monday, February 6, 2012

Our Next President

        I can't believe that out of 300 plus million people we can't come up with a better line of contenders for the job of the most powerful executive on the planet. Is this the best it gets in the choice of the next president. It's like no one really wants the job, but just because the Republican party needs to challenge the Democrats here you go. Who to choose, as a person in the middle of the middle class, but one who is slowly slipping from the middle because of this terrible economy we live in, I have to choose someone who will not only be for the wealthy, and the poor, but also the middle class like me, one who will help me work my way not only to where I was, but also higher. One that will help me, where I am now, and where I want to go. It used to be clear who I would choose, but this year with politicians not wanting to work together for a solution on the budget and other issues, but rather politicians that are taking a "my way or the highway" attitude to the issues, while everyday people have to work longer because retirement funds dwindle. I struggle with this, old political alliances are on the scale. Bottom line if you aren't for me, I won't vote for you to be elected.

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