Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dow Jones Review

Today's stock is American Express Inc.   Symbol is  AXP

We all know Amex as a credit card and travel related services business. It's a good solid company, and investment, however,  it's still a credit card company, and credit cards are bad for your net worth, The American middle class needs to be weaned off of credit card bills anyway. Credit cards to the middle class are what heroin and crack are to a junkie, with about the same after effects.

Today's price    52.67

Average trading volume,    6,183,340  A good trading stock

Stock Options,   Their stock options are set up kind of strange. Instead of the strike price being in 1.00 increments, theirs are in increments of 2.50. The open interest is good. In other words there's a decent demand for the options.

Market Cap,   61.10 Billion dollars.   Wow !!!!

P/E ,   12.74   That's a good number.

EPS,  $4.12 per share  Excellent  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! From all our credit card bills, no doubt.

Dividend and Yield,  0.72 and 1.40%  Just a little anemic.

Beta,  2.04  The stock move at a good pace in the market, good for traders.

Quarterly Revenue Growth,  3.50%  Not good, but not bad either.

Gross Profit,  Info not available.

Profit Margin,  17.11%  Excellent........ This means they probably won't go bankrupt.

Total Cash on Hand for the company is  25.00 billion, good for all those golden parachutes.

Total Cash per Share,  21.48

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