Thursday, April 5, 2012

The 10 Pillars of Reason 1-3

The 10 Pillars of Reason is the basic mission statement for why I feel the need to blog almost everyday. The purpose is to help the average Middle Class American turn the 99% into the class of wealth, privilege, and happiness, instead of the class of worry, toil for others, and constant job insecurity. The 1% should be the poor and disadvantaged not the 99%. 

Pillar #1 Fix Social Security 

               The United States is an aging society, we need to take care of the old. We need to be like the Asian societies and value the old as a source of wisdom instead of being treated like yesterdays newspapers. In order to fix social security, you have to

              Put a lock on the lock box........... make it illegal for any politician to steal, they call it appropriating money from the Social Security fund. Make the punishment very long prison sentences for theft of this national security fund and I guarantee politicians will keep their hands out of the cookie jar.

               Guarantee Benefits to all that have previously deposited money into it. Remember, all for one and one for all. 

               Also remember, this is not an entitlement program like food stamps. If you pay into it, it is called a trust fund because you are trusting that the money will be there when you need it.

Pillar # 2  Fix Health Care Insurance

               We don't need socialized medicine in the United States when free market capitalism will create a much superior and cheaper product. It's an easy fix.

                Make Health Insurance a product just like car insurance. Make it a commodity like a can of peaches on a grocery store shelf, and force the insurance companies compete for the dollar,  not only will it be better care, but it will become cheaper every year.

               Decouple health insurance from employment. Right now, if you don't have a decent job you cant get affordable insurance. The 1% currently uses that as one of the weapons it has against the Middle Class. There are many people out there that would love to start their own businesses but can't because they can't get affordable health insurance on their own and have to go to work for someone else to get it.  You should be able to obtain "affordable" health insurance no matter what.  

             Oh sure, you could contact your friendly neighborhood health insurance company and get a guaranteed health insurance policy without any underwriting done, and they would love you forever for it too, because they will charge you about 2000.00 a month for it instead of the 60 to 80 a pay check that you could get it from a decent employer. See, this is really slimy too, its called price gouging, and its illegal in most all realms of business, except for insurance. The way they get away with it is simple. Bribery and corruption of the United States government. The insurance industry has one of the largest lobbying presences in Washington. The politicians, both Republicans and Democrats are all on the take, and that's why nothing will be done significantly until we clean house in Washington and elect politicians that can't be bought.

              Force health insurance companies to compete in a free market, and the market would not only make it affordable but better quality as well.

Pillar # 3  Reclaim the Middle Class.

             Long, long ago in the Middle ages, slaves called serfs ran away from Aristocratic estate farms ( read 1% ) into the city to free themselves and their families.  In the cities, the newly freed serfs had to do something to eat, so they started to sell stuff to other people........... ta dah , the merchant class was born. When the merchant class had enough money to ship themselves over to the New World when it was discovered they gradually became the middle class.  This, in a nutshell, is the history of the middle class.
The middle class today should be on the endangered species list. The 1% aristocrats want their serfs back, and they have been gradually whittling away at the middle class to bring them back into the dungeon ever since the middle ages. In the 20th century they successfully removed most folks from the family farm, which was the greatest source of self sufficiency and renewable income the world had ever seen with the industrial revolution. Then they defeated the labor unions and created job insecurity. In the last 30 years of the 20th century they created the consumer debt-credit card madness, and they also created the political correctness and diversity dogmas that attempts to keep everyone in line. Political correctness suppresses free speech and instills fear. Diversity doesn't unify, it divides according to the very definition of the word. It forces people to look at the differences instead of the similarities we all share. Remember people, a house divided can not stand. Instead of uniting as "Americans" like we all did in the Great Depression and in World War II, diversity forces us to look at ourselves as different and fosters mistrust and makes it less likely that the Middle Class will regain its former status as the Merchant Class. The 1% also makes it very hard for the Middle Class to start new businesses. Their paid for government lackeys enact debilitating red tape laws and taxes that make it almost impossible to start businesses from the ground floor. 

                 So what can we do? 
                 Do we have to passively sit here and do nothing?

                 One thing we all can do is stick together. 
                 Forget the Dog eat dog philosophy that we all have been brainwashed with.  Always work to make your own way in this world, but give back by helping fellow Middle Class people rise up. Create a network of other people you know. When you achieve a level of success, mentor others to be successful. Pass it on. This is one small way we can change this country to benefit all of us instead of just a very very few individuals, most of whom are not even Americans.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ETF Spotlight

Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF

Symbol...................... EMLC

Fund Company.......... Van Eck

Phone ........................ 888-658-8287

Volume ...................... 186,905

NAV .......................... 27.00  ( NAV stands for Net Asset Value, which means what the shares are really worth. When the price of the shares are below that, the price is said to be at a discount, or a bargain, and we like bargains.

Yield .......................... 5.17%

YTD Return ............... 9.80%

No Options

Objectives and Goals:

This investment tries to mimick the JP Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Core. It invests in the bonds of emerging market contries government.

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

The Nasdaq

DDI CORP.                                           

Symbol ......................DDIC 

Sector ........................ Technology

Industry ..................... Printed Circuit Boards

Employees ................. 1,627

Current Price ............. 12.93 + 0.67 + 5.46%

The stock really popped today, and the market was down.

52 Week Range .........  6.66 - 12.63 

The stock also made a new 52 week high.

1 Year Target Estimate ........ 12.00

Beta............................. 1.51

Avg. Volume ............... 80,206  
Today's Volume........... 10,703,885

I bet this is a stock buyback by the company. Really, it could be a dozen or more entities, from mutual funds to activist investors, to private equity investment companies, to wealthy individuals. If it was a large sell off, the price would have gone in the other direction.

Market Cap ................. 264.75 Mill.

P/E .............................. 12.43

Forward P/E ................ Not Available

Profit Margin ............... 8.29%

EPS ............................... 1.04

Dividend and Yield........ 0.48  and 3.90%

Options........................... Not Developed

Earnings Estimate:

Current Qtr. .................... 0.25
Next Qtr. ........................ 0.26
Current Yield .................. 1.05
Next Year........................ Not Available

Analysts 5 Year Growth Estimate:

DDIC .............................. 15.00%
Industry .......................... 14.53%
Sector ............................. 17.74%
S&P 500 ......................... 10.55%

This would be a great stock, except that the options are very undeveloped, the market isn't paying the investors very much to own the stock. 

As always, this is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please people, do your own research before you invest your own money.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gold Watch

The Spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold is:

1,646.00  -31.50 

GLD .............. 159.89  -3.05

IAU ...............  16.05 -0.29

DZZ ............... 4.74 +0.17

Big Ben opened his mouth again today to push down gold, treasuries, and the market, so the dollar would go higher.

The Nasdaq

In this section, we will look at all the stocks listed on the Nasdaq.
We will look at everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and sometimes the really ugly.  Sometimes it takes looking at a real stinker to know when you find a gem, a ten bagger, a real winner.
With that said, today's stock is:

Cadiz Inc.                                Symbol............. CDZI

Sector ............................ Services

Industry ........................ Business Services

When doing further research, I found that the discription of this company is a little off. This company is a large truck farm ( 35,000 acres ) and land developer in the Cadiz valley in California. There are only 11 full time employees.

Current Price ................. 9.51

52 Week Range ............. 6.77 - 12.75 

1 year Target Estimate ... N/A

Beta ............................... 1.07

Avg Volume ................... 30,578   Very weak volume.

Market Cap .................... 146.66 Million

P/E .................................. N/A

Forward P/E .................... N/A

Profit Margin ................... N/A

EPS .................................. -1.20

For me a negative EPS is a deal breaker. An unprofitable company will go bankrupt far faster than a profitable one will.

Dividends ......................... None

Options ............................. Weak but existent

No Analyst's 5 year growth estimates.

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

Dow 30 Review

I thought I would study the Dividends and Yield of the Dow 30 stocks.  Dividend stocks were all the rage last year, almost like people just now discovered the importance of dividends. Here are the current dividends for all 30 Dow stocks.

AA ................. 0.12 ............ 1.20%

AXP ............... 0.80 ............ 1.40%

BA .................. 1.76 ............ 2.40%

BAC ............... 0.04 ............ 0.40%

CAT ............... 1.84 ............. 1.70%

CSCO ............ 0.32 ............. 1.50%

CVX .............. 3.24 .............. 3.00%

DD ................. 1.64 .............. 3.10%

DIS ................ 0.60 ............... 1.40%

GE ................. 0.68 ............... 3.40%

HD ................. 1.16 ............... 2.30%

HPQ ............... 0.48 ............... 2.00%

IBM ............... 3.00 ................ 1.40%

INTC ............. 0.84 ................ 3.00%

JNJ ................ 2.28 ................. 3.50%

JPM ............... 1.20 ................. 2.60%

KO ................ 2.04 ................. 2.80%

KFT ............... 1.16 ................. 3.10%

MCD .............. 2.80 ................ 2.90%

MMM ............ 2.36 ................. 2.60%

MRK .............. 1.16 ................. 4.40%

MSFT ............. 0.80 ................. 2.50%

PFE ................ 0.88 ................. 3.90%

PG .................. 2.10 ................. 3.10%

T ..................... 1.76 ................. 5.60%

TRV ................ 1.64 ................. 2.80%

UTX ................ 1.92 ................. 2.30%

VZ ................... 2.00 ................. 5.20%

WMT ............... 1.59 ................. 2.60%

XOM ................ 1.88 ................ 2.20%

If  you could buy 100 shares of all these stocks, at the end of the year or 12 month period, you would get back 4,409.00 in dividends.

The average yield return for all 30 Dow stocks is 2.67%

Friday, March 30, 2012

Enjoy your Life....

                                        Happy Friday !
I hope we all had a good day today. The reason we all work hard is to have a good life. Today is Friday, on Friday's sometimes you just need to take it easy. Life is so short, we all need to slow down and enjoy some of it. In the United States, people loose sight of what's really important, and then they start living to work, it's always to make someone else rich, most Americans never even dream of working for themselves to make themselves rich. The rest of the world seems to have a clue about life and how short it is, and they work to live, they work to have enough money to enjoy life. I wish America could wake up and enjoy life just a little bit. There is a time and a place for every purpose under heaven.

Have we all bought our Mega Millions lottery ticket yet ? Can you visualize being 640,000,000 richer by Monday. I bet you would even call in sick on Monday, or not even call in at all if you hit the numbers. I don't know if there are lotteries in Russia and Germany where some of my readers reside, I'm sure they do. It seems that people need to dream about what they would do if they won  the thing. My wife bought 5 tickets, which is ok, but I heard on the news about a guy that bought 700.00 worth of quick pics today. I told my wife that I had a better chance of being the next Republican President of the United States, than I did of winning the Mega Millions jackpot.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Free America

Get ready, American manufacturing's on the Rise.

Way back before the  dawn of time, in the 1980's , when Reagan was still trying to convince all of us that the 1% were really swell people, and that they only had our best interests at heart, a curious thing began to happen. Manufacturing jobs, and plants, and factories, and warehouses all slowly began to vanish. Where were they going? No one knew, no one cared to ask, because America was asleep. Times were good, and no one wanted to rock the boat. By the time Clinton rolled into Washington, the 1% were shipping off as many middle class jobs as they could shove on any boat they could find. They were actually breaking a sweat, for the first time, in their efforts. So what did Clinton do for the hard working 1%. He built an express way for the one percent to carry off even more precious American jobs called NAFTA. Why would anyone want to do such a idiotic, shortsighted thing? This is the reason why it now takes over a year to find a new job, if you are unemployed, because there are no good quality jobs here anymore. The first reason, is to further break the earnings power base of the middle class, and secondly if you can get a Chinese peasant worker to bust his ass for 15.00 dollars a day instead of having to pay an American 200.00 then by golly the end for the 1% justifies the means, even if you have to cripple the United States and sell it out to the enemy, the People's Republic of China to do it. Higher paying factory jobs had become the crutch for lazy, stupid middle class workers, to remove these jobs was a way for the 1% to cripple the earnings standard by which all other jobs were measured. If the 1% took that away, then all other workers in all other businesses would have to settle for less wages, because they wouldn't know any better, and because they would have nothing to compare it to.  The 1% had already defeated the labor unions and rendered them powerless, this was just the coup d' grace shot to the head to finish the middle class off.

Today there was an article on Yahoo finance that stated that Apple's new CEO Tim Cook was going to " substantially improve wages and working conditions" in the factories that produced their products, and promised to cut down on " extreme hours worked, and unpaid overtime".  Sounds like sweat shop conditions to me. The only reason why Apple is doing this is because a group called the Fair Labor Association called them on it, believe me folks, these corporations are not going to do anything for anyone if they don't have to. There have been reports of Chinese workers committing suicide in order to remove themselves from the deplorable working conditions that they find themselves in. Can you imagine how bad it would have to be to kill yourself to get away from your situation, you would have to feel like you had no other choice.  If they could take away our guns, American corporations would have us all chained to our jobs. I have heard the talking heads on CNBC talk about the gradual return of manufacturing to the United States because Chinese peasant workers are finally rising up and demanding more wages and benefits. You watch, as more Chinese workers get a clue, the 1% will bring manufacturing back to the United States where wages have been driven down because the middle class have no power, and because they have all been brainwashed into becoming dumb dumb worker bees.

Chinese workers need to continue to rise up and demand higher wages, and the respect they deserve. Americans need to wean themselves off of being someone's " employee ", and develop businesses to own themselves. When you're the owner, you're "free", when you're the employee, you're the "servant", but in most cases you are the "slave". Let's all take our freedom back America, before it's too late for the Americans that are here after we are gone.

Friday, March 23, 2012

ETF Spotlight

ETF's can be a perfect vehicle for investment. They are baskets of stocks or bonds of a particular sector, industry, investment style, country, commodity, etc., etc. Every area of market investment are covered by ETFs. As with mutual funds you get great diversification. They are better than mutual funds though because they trade just like stocks, you can lock in profits better, limit losses better than mutual funds. You can buy, sell, or trade options on ETFs, and you can also sell them short, and you can day trade ETFs, all these things you could never do with mutual funds. ETFs pay dividends just like stocks. The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. ETF's should really be the replacement alternative to outdated and inefficient mutual funds. 

I found a list of  ETFs listed by fund companies at So what I thought I would do is research one ETF from a different company at a time. We will take the good, bad, and ugly...... and believe me there are some real stinkers out there. We will research and dissect each of them to see if they are worth investing in.

So let's start off with this ETF.

Symbol:  EFV

iShares MSCI Value Index Fund

Phone 800-474-2737

This ETF invests in large Foreign Value Companies. Seeks to invest in good but overlooked foreign companies.

MSCI - Stands for Morgan Stanley Capital International 

Yield............. 4.09%

YTD Return .......... 10.21%

Current Price ........... 47.15  +0.18 / 0.38%

This ETF would we good to own to get exposure to the international market sector.

The Nasdaq

AAON  INC.                         SYMBOL.................. AAON

Sector ................. Industrial Goods

Industry .............. General Building Materials

Today's Price ............... 20.34

52 Week Range ............ 14.64 - 24.23

1 Year Target Estimate ........... 17.00

Beta ............. 1.23 

Avg. Volume  56,538 

Market Cap. 494.18 Mil.  Small to Mid Cap.

P/E ............  26.22

Forward P/E .................. 20.31

Profit Margin................. 5.25  PE then should be no more than 10.50 in order to buy the stock, anything above that makes the stock too expensive to buy.

EPS ............. 0.77

Dividend and Yield .................. 0.24 ...... 1.20%

No Options

Analyst 5 Year Growth Estimates  
Industry ....................12.18%
Sector .......................15.50%
S&P 500 ...................10.51%

This stock is not a bad stock, but its not an exceptionally good one either.

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

There are all kinds of people out there. Some people want everything handed to them without any effort on there part. These people never really prosper, don't be one of these people.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dow 30 Review

Most Americans today couldn't tell you one stock that's listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. So to understand more fully the companies listed on this average, I thought I would list all 30 of the stocks. These companies are the big boys, a representation of the best we have. So here we go.

AA .............. Alcoa Inc.

AXP ............ American Express Company

BA ............... Boeing Company

BAC ............ Bank of America Corp.

CAT ............. Caterpillar Inc.

CSCO ........... Cisco Systems Inc.

CVX ............. Chevron Corp.

DD ................ E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company  "Dupont"

DIS ................ Walt Disney Company

GE ................. General Electric Company

HD ................ Home Depot Inc.

HPQ .............. Hewlet Packard Company

IBM ............... International Business Machines

INTC .............. Intel Corp

JNJ .................. Johnson & Johnson

JPM ................. JP Morgan Chase & Company

KO ................... Coca Cola Company

KFT ................. Kraft Foods Inc.

MCD ................ McDonald's Corp

MMM ...............3M  Company

MRK ................. Merck & Company Inc.

MSFT ................ Microsoft Corporation

PFE ................... Pfizer Inc

PG ..................... Proctor & Gamble Company

T ........................ AT&T 

TRV ................... The Travelers Companies Inc

UTX ................... United Technologies Corp.

VZ ...................... Verizon Communications Inc.

WMT .................. Wall Mart Stores Inc.

XOM .................. Exxon Mobil Corporation

Market Spookers

All information's from and

Weakness in Europe.
Weakness in China.

Jobless Claims  348,000  fell by only 5,000. Still over a quarter million people losing their jobs.

Commodities were down today.

Market participants trim risk, they are showing an increased aversion to risk.

US Dollar moves higher.

Vix is moving higher as the market drifted lower.

Consumer Discretionary Index trending lower today along with the market.


Market Movers

China slowdown threat............. our economy is tied to China's economy that's primarily what moved the market down today.
 Along with weak European economic news.

Oil and the price of Gas is the other main threat. 

The Obama administration cajoled the world electronic funds transfer regulatory banking agency to cut off payments for oil shipments out of Iran. Iran can ship oil out, but they can no longer get paid for it. After a while Iran is going to get tired of having their cash cow cut off, and they are going to start some crap. Israel is saying when not if to attack Iran's nuclear complex.  Then there's Syria, the situation is dire and severe, but it's not our concern. We are not the world's policeman. But I can just see Obama wanting to go in there and make the US act like a freedom fighter. People need to learn to fight their own battles, we have enough irons in the fire as it is.

Oil ............  105.48   - 1.79

10 Year US Treasury Bond ................... 2.275% Interest rates are rising, inflation is going up.

US Dollar .................... 79.65 + 0.06

Russell 1000 Large Caps ...... 770.27  -5.88
Russell 2000 Small Caps ......  821.44  -8.48
Russell 3000 Whole Market.. 824.85  -6.47

VIX ................... 15.57  + 0.44

Notice the market went down today.
When the market goes down, there is more fear than greed in the market.
When people are fearful, people jump out of stocks, and the volatility index goes up.

Gold Watch

Today's spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold :

1,643.20    -7.10

GLD ............................. 159.57   -0.64

IAU ..............................  16.01    -0.06

DZZ ..............................  4.75     +0.05

        I have always had a passion for finance and the market. I should have known I would be good at this when my high school teachers promoted me to Honors Economics, a few weeks into the class. I have also had a passion for writing, so I am combining two of my passions.  Now, one of the other reasons for blogging is to have a platform for all the mind numbing research that I do to find good investments for me to invest in. Then I thought about information, and it being the most valuable commodity there is, and what a better way to impart this part of my inheritance to my nieces and nephews. If they will use the information that I impart in this blog, then they will be rich beyond all others.


Free America

          I don't know about you, but I haven't read or studied The Declaration of Independence , Constitution , or the Bill of Rights in a very long time. You can't protect what you have, if you don't know what you have as an American. 

What's sad are the children who aren't even taught about these documents, and how very revolutionary they really were then, all the way up to today.

So I hopped on the internet and looked up the US National Archives,, and printed off these documents.

So here is the first part of The Declaration of Independence.

                          The Declaration of Independence

                                In Congress, July 4, 1776

       The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

     When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Wow............... these early American's were pissed off........

We were English before the American Revolution.... and we were proud of our English roots. So to do something like this......... it was serious.  We didn't want to rebel.... we just wanted to be treated like every other Englishman.  But King George didn't want to hear it...... and so, we had to show him WHAT ENGLISHMEN WERE CAPABLE OF.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Market Movers

The market is really acting wonky right now.  Everyday the market is basically flat to slightly up.  The market is waiting for something to happen, so it has an excuse to move. Except for Tech.

Technology could become our next bubble.  Actually the market could just reinflate the tech bubble it burst in the late 1990's. It's been long enough for people to forget the last tech bubble bursting, and the many fortunes it vaporized.

Oil ..................... 106.97   Still high, not going down much.

10 Year US Treasury Bond   2.294 % ............. Interest rates on the rise.

US Dollar Index .................. 79.62

Russell 1000   Large Caps ............. 777.06  -0.31

Russell 2000   Small Caps ............. 830.44   +1.20

Russell 3000   Whole Market ........ 831.74   -0.73

VIX ........... 15.20  

Gold Watch

The Spot price for one Troy ounce of Gold:

1,650.80           - 0.20

GLD ............... 160.21  +0.08

IAU ................. 16.07   +0.01

DZZ ................. 4.70     -0.005 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Free America

The reason I call this section "Free America". Is because I am concerned that Americans are slowly, gradually losing their freedoms. It scares me.

Our freedom of speech....... To say anything we want............ is being taken away.................slowly.

Most people don't even know whats happening.

Ever heard this term................ POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ...................... What that means is people will shun you if you say something that they don't like.

Here's the thing, it's not necessary that people like, or agree with you, for you to be able to speak your mind.

What it does mean is that certain people will try to take your freedom of speech away, while they themselves would never rein in their own mouth at all.

Our freedom to bear arms.........  It gets harder and harder to buy new guns.

It seems like the government is actively working to make it as inconvenient as possible to legally carry guns.

The very first thing every dictatorship in history does  when they come into power is disarm the general population.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Practice Trading

Stocks bought and sold are 100 share blocks.

Stocks bought at the market open.

Day Trading, Overnight Trading,  Swing Trading, or Investing. The four main trading styles.

ATVI   Bought  12.02 ............ Sold  12.33 +0.31

ADBE  Bought  34.15

ADTN  Bought  31.22

AIRM   Bought  88.34 ................. Sold   89.16  +0.61

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

Market Movers

The market kind of took a break today......

I did hear that investors took money out of bond funds..... yields increased fractionally so price fell.

US Dollar Index ...................... 80.53  + 0.41

Oil ....................... 105.73  + 0.30

Russell  1000     Large Caps        771.63   -1.35

Russell  2000     Small Caps         823.40   -7.83

Russell  3000     Whole Market    826.34   -1.95

VIX  15.31  +0.51   Watch the vix, fear = lower market.

Gold Watch

Today's spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold is :

1643.20  - 50.00

DZZ  4.74  +0.14

Apparently...... people began moving people out of bond funds and gold, because they are feeling more optimistic, I swear I think it's all the sunny warm weather that has muddled peoples brains. 

What's Up !!!

Stormy the Cat.............. He's my senior citizen cat. He's 15 y.o. He doesn't have a care in the world. He's very vocal, he lets you know "what's up".

Free America

I hope everyone has had a good day today, my day has been contemplative.

                I received a call yesterday from my US senator. He was doing a live phone meeting with the constituents. My question to him was about health insurance reform. Dude would not let me get a word in edgewise. It was obvious that if he didn't come up with the idea, he wasn't interested in hearing anyone elses ideas. Wait a minute, don't politicians work for us ? So, shouldn't they be listening to their employers. I thought it was typical politician behavior. It really showed me he didn't give a flip about health insurance reform.

This leads me to think of another subject that I'm interested in,. United States History, particularly the American Revolution. You know, if the Brits had treated us as equals, and with respect, and as a business partner, not just as a group of people they could extract wealth from, then we would all be speaking a better accent than we do today.

The other thing that I've been thinking about are bullies.

Particularly bullies that hang out on the internet.

These pencil neck geeks, trolls, get wicked nasty brave behind a keyboard.

These same pencil neck geeks would soil their pants if they had the misfortune of meeting me face to face.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Market Movers

The FED :  Saying that there would be no more QE or quantitative easing for a while, but that option was still on the table.

US Dollar Index..................... 80.15  +0.30

Oil ................ 106.72  +0.30  Oil keeps rising. It's been said that by the middle of summer we could be looking at 5.00 oil.

Russell 1000  Large Caps         772.98   + 13.85

Russell 2000 Small Caps           831.23   + 16.94

Russell 3000  Whole Market     828.29   + 15.00

The small cap stocks are the leaders of the pack right now.

Vix   14.80   -0.84

Anytime the vix is under 20 the market is in the process of topping out, time to sell, not to buy. 

Gold Watch

Today's spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold is:

1,694.20  -5.6

Barron's website said gold went down as low as 1675.90 -23.90

DZZ  ................ 4.60 + 0.14

I heard one of the talking heads on CNBC say that they thought gold was headed lower. I would wait a little more towards the end of the year to make that call. I think as the US economy gets more inline with the global economic slowdown, gold will go up not down.

Free America

 Where are all the new jobs they keep talking about ? Have you seen any of them?

I don't want to be a downer, or a poo pooer, or a kill joy, or a bucket of water on the fire or anything, but let us think about this a little further.

Yahoo is saying that because the unusually beautiful late winter, early spring weather we are having seems to be affecting people's perception. That stands to reason if it's nice sunny and warm outside that you would have a better, more upbeat and positive outlook on things. This might carryover in the jobs picture. Think about this, Yahoo was also saying that a lot of people like construction workers are naturally laid off during the winter, but this being such a mild winter, and the weather being wonderful, people in these professions can get rehired.

The reality on the street, on the ground, is a lot different than whats dished out in the news, which is becoming more and more of a propaganda tool for lefts and rights agenda's, depending on the channel you watch.

My wife saw on the internet a survey that said where we live is one of the best places to get a job.

"Really" Coming from someone who actually lives here, I don't see it. The vast majority of people I talk too are either underemployed, working two or three jobs to make ends meet, or more commonly are unemployed. God help the country if my little neck of the woods is the best place to get a job.

Why is it that the vast majority of government employees are unionized, when the private sector has very little union representation?  I've always hated that snarky, we're going to pull one off on the general public attitude that a lot of government workers have.

If employee productivity is at an all time high, and unemployment is also at an all time high, this should tell you that employers are really cracking the whip on their people, they refuse to hire new people when they can make all the current dumb dumb worker bee slaves do the extra work themselves. If American workers would slow down just a little bit, I'm not talking about a massive slowdown, then companies would be forced to hire more people, this would go a long way in helping solve the unemployment problem.

I know we all should be grateful to have a job, since millions don't, but employers should not be allowed to take advantage of us.

My wife saw a man pushing a woman, presumably his wife, in a wheelchair, with a child tagging along on the side of a busy and crowed street today. When you see something like that it jars you into understanding that life is good , life is really good for us because we don't have to be that couple today.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Free America

When you are employed, and you don't do anything to have another source of income, you become a slave to your job.

When you are employed, and you get fed up with being a slave to your job, and start saving and investing your money, you become empowered.

When you become empowered, you start to invest your money, and start working for yourself on the side.

When you start investing your money, and start working for yourself, you become an owner.

When you become an owner, and start kicking off free cash flow you stop being a slave to your job.

When you're no longer a slave to your job, you can tell the snarky,   zombie of a middle manager  that you work for, to go fall off a bridge somewhere and die.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Anything's Possible at anytime, no matter what your age.

Visualize how to turn 10,000 into 1,000,000 or even 5,000,000 . Anything you can visualize in your mind, you can create in reality.

Playing games helps people get ready, and have the courage to do it in reality.

Why games, and visualization are always important.

I love Monopoly !!!! Charles Darrow saw his family and neighbors play board games to pass the time in the Great Depression 1929-1942  What he realized was that these board games took peoples minds off their troubles, so instead of buying and selling stocks, he made a game where you buy and sell real estate. What this game does, is that it trains your mind to think of the world in financial terms, and to act on the winds of chance by the roll of the dice. This game also helps you visualize what it might feel like in the future to have a fortune on your hands that you're managing. This game is a great training tool for future millionaires.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

ETF Spotlight

Symbol ........... KBE   SPDR S&P Bank ETF

This is a very unloved sector. When sectors are out of favor, thats when you swoop in and buy,buy,buy.

Today's Price ................ 22.18  +0.28 

NAV  ...........................24.00  NAV stands for Net Asset Value, it means what the shares are worth by the asset the etf holds.

YTD Return ................. 12.36 %    Yield  1.68 %

Volume ...............  3,420,110

Options are good.

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

Market Movers


Thanks Greek bond holders for not pulling the plug, and crapping out the world's economy today  !!!!

US Dollar Index ................ 79.15  -0.54  Market was up, runs inverse to the dollar.

Oil ................... 106.79

Russell 1000  Large Cap   756.34  +7.53

Russell 2000  Small  Cap   806.34  +10.39

Russell 3000  Whole Market   809.91  +8.25

New Highs     NYSE   121   NASD   80   AMEX   5
New Lows                      8                 22                 1

VIX     17.95   -1.12

So what is the vix and why is it important ? The vix is the volatility index of the S&P 500.  Volatility measures how much fear is in the market. Fear and Greed are the two principal emotions that move the market. The vix goes up when  there are more sellers than buyers in the market, sellers are fearful of loss. The vix goes down when there are more buyers than sellers in the market, buyers are hopeful of gain. Their hearts are filled with greed for filthy lucre. Traditionally when the vix hits 20 and lower, that indicates a market top, and its time to think about taking profits.



Gold Watch

Today's spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold is:

1,701.00   + 17.10

Gold's back over 1700.00

DZZ  --- ETF 4.43  -0.08 

Free America

I love rainy days, it's raining here. It's nice to go outside and breathe in the humid, clean air smell. It's like the rain just gave the earth a bath, and washed off all the dust.

I want to recommend that everyone start reading BARRON'S weekly newspaper. I've read it for years.  This weeks issue has a picture  of an obviously wealthy couple planting money trees in a lawn of green grass. The leaves on the money trees are currency. It's  Hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to Politics .........................

Here's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.  The Republicans lower taxes, but they don't worry about anything else. Democrats want to raise taxes, but they are willing to change things up if situations get dire enough. Democratic leadership believe that they are so far superior to you and I that they know best how to spend other people's money. And who can blame them sometimes, I swear have you noticed what walks the earth these days. Just walk through Walmart sometimes.

Now, I am a Republican, but I have to tell you that I'm glad there was a Democrat in the White House when the great recession hit. What Obama did was let Gheitner do whatever it took to save our financial system. We who ever hope to be able to retire owe a debt of gratitude to Obama on that one. The Republicans wouldn't have done what Gheitner did. The Republican leadership would have done nothing to save the economy. Why, because they've already got theirs, so they're not so eager to fix things. They would have sat there as all good do nothing Republicans do, and watched as the economy fell off a cliff. If that had happened I or my wife would never had a hope of retiring. We would have had to work forever. We need middle class Republicans to step up into politics so we can get some needed things done for the country.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Surviving Super Tuesday

I don't know about you, but Super Tuesday seemed just like Super Monday, or pretty much like Super Wednesday.

The results should tell you that we, meaning the Republicans, are not sold on any of them.

Some voted for Mitt, some voted for Newt, some voted for Rick, some even voted for Ron. I feel like I'm on a first name basis with these chaps after all the media hype.

What this should tell you is that everyday Republican's such as myself don't expect much. We all know what we're going to get if one of these fine examples gets into power.

They're going to be the same do nothing, status quo, Republicans that have inhabited the White House since Regan.

We all know that healthcare wont get fixed, social security wont get fixed, jobs wont come back any quicker.

There might be another war, to further thin the ranks of middle class recruits. But by God,  they will lower your taxes.

Everything will stay the same, because that's how Mitts, and Newts, and Ricks, and Ron's real boss, the 1% NRP want's it.

Stormy... My Cat... He thinks he's a dog.

              Here's Stormy looking for his favorite toy, the laser light.