Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ETF Spotlight

Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF

Symbol...................... EMLC

Fund Company.......... Van Eck

Phone ........................ 888-658-8287

Volume ...................... 186,905

NAV .......................... 27.00  ( NAV stands for Net Asset Value, which means what the shares are really worth. When the price of the shares are below that, the price is said to be at a discount, or a bargain, and we like bargains.

Yield .......................... 5.17%

YTD Return ............... 9.80%

No Options

Objectives and Goals:

This investment tries to mimick the JP Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Core. It invests in the bonds of emerging market contries government.

This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.

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