The 10 Pillars of Reason is the basic mission statement for why I feel the need to blog almost everyday. The purpose is to help the average Middle Class American turn the 99% into the class of wealth, privilege, and happiness, instead of the class of worry, toil for others, and constant job insecurity. The 1% should be the poor and disadvantaged not the 99%.
Pillar #1 Fix Social Security
The United States is an aging society, we need to take care of the old. We need to be like the Asian societies and value the old as a source of wisdom instead of being treated like yesterdays newspapers. In order to fix social security, you have to
Put a lock on the lock box........... make it illegal for any politician to steal, they call it appropriating money from the Social Security fund. Make the punishment very long prison sentences for theft of this national security fund and I guarantee politicians will keep their hands out of the cookie jar.
Guarantee Benefits to all that have previously deposited money into it. Remember, all for one and one for all.
Also remember, this is not an entitlement program like food stamps. If you pay into it, it is called a trust fund because you are trusting that the money will be there when you need it.
Pillar # 2 Fix Health Care Insurance
We don't need socialized medicine in the United States when free market capitalism will create a much superior and cheaper product. It's an easy fix.
Make Health Insurance a product just like car insurance. Make it a commodity like a can of peaches on a grocery store shelf, and force the insurance companies compete for the dollar, not only will it be better care, but it will become cheaper every year.
Decouple health insurance from employment. Right now, if you don't have a decent job you cant get affordable insurance. The 1% currently uses that as one of the weapons it has against the Middle Class. There are many people out there that would love to start their own businesses but can't because they can't get affordable health insurance on their own and have to go to work for someone else to get it. You should be able to obtain "affordable" health insurance no matter what.
Oh sure, you could contact your friendly neighborhood health insurance company and get a guaranteed health insurance policy without any underwriting done, and they would love you forever for it too, because they will charge you about 2000.00 a month for it instead of the 60 to 80 a pay check that you could get it from a decent employer. See, this is really slimy too, its called price gouging, and its illegal in most all realms of business, except for insurance. The way they get away with it is simple. Bribery and corruption of the United States government. The insurance industry has one of the largest lobbying presences in Washington. The politicians, both Republicans and Democrats are all on the take, and that's why nothing will be done significantly until we clean house in Washington and elect politicians that can't be bought.
Force health insurance companies to compete in a free market, and the market would not only make it affordable but better quality as well.
Pillar # 3 Reclaim the Middle Class.
Long, long ago in the Middle ages, slaves called serfs ran away from Aristocratic estate farms ( read 1% ) into the city to free themselves and their families. In the cities, the newly freed serfs had to do something to eat, so they started to sell stuff to other people........... ta dah , the merchant class was born. When the merchant class had enough money to ship themselves over to the New World when it was discovered they gradually became the middle class. This, in a nutshell, is the history of the middle class.
The middle class today should be on the endangered species list. The 1% aristocrats want their serfs back, and they have been gradually whittling away at the middle class to bring them back into the dungeon ever since the middle ages. In the 20th century they successfully removed most folks from the family farm, which was the greatest source of self sufficiency and renewable income the world had ever seen with the industrial revolution. Then they defeated the labor unions and created job insecurity. In the last 30 years of the 20th century they created the consumer debt-credit card madness, and they also created the political correctness and diversity dogmas that attempts to keep everyone in line. Political correctness suppresses free speech and instills fear. Diversity doesn't unify, it divides according to the very definition of the word. It forces people to look at the differences instead of the similarities we all share. Remember people, a house divided can not stand. Instead of uniting as "Americans" like we all did in the Great Depression and in World War II, diversity forces us to look at ourselves as different and fosters mistrust and makes it less likely that the Middle Class will regain its former status as the Merchant Class. The 1% also makes it very hard for the Middle Class to start new businesses. Their paid for government lackeys enact debilitating red tape laws and taxes that make it almost impossible to start businesses from the ground floor.
So what can we do?
Do we have to passively sit here and do nothing?
One thing we all can do is stick together.
Forget the Dog eat dog philosophy that we all have been brainwashed with. Always work to make your own way in this world, but give back by helping fellow Middle Class people rise up. Create a network of other people you know. When you achieve a level of success, mentor others to be successful. Pass it on. This is one small way we can change this country to benefit all of us instead of just a very very few individuals, most of whom are not even Americans.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
ETF Spotlight
Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF
Symbol...................... EMLC
Fund Company.......... Van Eck
Phone ........................ 888-658-8287
Volume ...................... 186,905
NAV .......................... 27.00 ( NAV stands for Net Asset Value, which means what the shares are really worth. When the price of the shares are below that, the price is said to be at a discount, or a bargain, and we like bargains.
Yield .......................... 5.17%
YTD Return ............... 9.80%
No Options
Objectives and Goals:
This investment tries to mimick the JP Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Core. It invests in the bonds of emerging market contries government.
This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.
Symbol...................... EMLC
Fund Company.......... Van Eck
Phone ........................ 888-658-8287
Volume ...................... 186,905
NAV .......................... 27.00 ( NAV stands for Net Asset Value, which means what the shares are really worth. When the price of the shares are below that, the price is said to be at a discount, or a bargain, and we like bargains.
Yield .......................... 5.17%
YTD Return ............... 9.80%
No Options
Objectives and Goals:
This investment tries to mimick the JP Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Core. It invests in the bonds of emerging market contries government.
This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.
The Nasdaq
Symbol ......................DDIC
Sector ........................ Technology
Industry ..................... Printed Circuit Boards
Employees ................. 1,627
Current Price ............. 12.93 + 0.67 + 5.46%
The stock really popped today, and the market was down.
52 Week Range ......... 6.66 - 12.63
The stock also made a new 52 week high.
1 Year Target Estimate ........ 12.00
Beta............................. 1.51
Avg. Volume ............... 80,206
Today's Volume........... 10,703,885
I bet this is a stock buyback by the company. Really, it could be a dozen or more entities, from mutual funds to activist investors, to private equity investment companies, to wealthy individuals. If it was a large sell off, the price would have gone in the other direction.
Market Cap ................. 264.75 Mill.
P/E .............................. 12.43
Forward P/E ................ Not Available
Profit Margin ............... 8.29%
EPS ............................... 1.04
Dividend and Yield........ 0.48 and 3.90%
Options........................... Not Developed
Earnings Estimate:
Current Qtr. .................... 0.25
Next Qtr. ........................ 0.26
Current Yield .................. 1.05
Next Year........................ Not Available
Analysts 5 Year Growth Estimate:
DDIC .............................. 15.00%
Industry .......................... 14.53%
Sector ............................. 17.74%
S&P 500 ......................... 10.55%
This would be a great stock, except that the options are very undeveloped, the market isn't paying the investors very much to own the stock.
As always, this is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please people, do your own research before you invest your own money.
Symbol ......................DDIC
Sector ........................ Technology
Industry ..................... Printed Circuit Boards
Employees ................. 1,627
Current Price ............. 12.93 + 0.67 + 5.46%
The stock really popped today, and the market was down.
52 Week Range ......... 6.66 - 12.63
The stock also made a new 52 week high.
1 Year Target Estimate ........ 12.00
Beta............................. 1.51
Avg. Volume ............... 80,206
Today's Volume........... 10,703,885
I bet this is a stock buyback by the company. Really, it could be a dozen or more entities, from mutual funds to activist investors, to private equity investment companies, to wealthy individuals. If it was a large sell off, the price would have gone in the other direction.
Market Cap ................. 264.75 Mill.
P/E .............................. 12.43
Forward P/E ................ Not Available
Profit Margin ............... 8.29%
EPS ............................... 1.04
Dividend and Yield........ 0.48 and 3.90%
Options........................... Not Developed
Earnings Estimate:
Current Qtr. .................... 0.25
Next Qtr. ........................ 0.26
Current Yield .................. 1.05
Next Year........................ Not Available
Analysts 5 Year Growth Estimate:
DDIC .............................. 15.00%
Industry .......................... 14.53%
Sector ............................. 17.74%
S&P 500 ......................... 10.55%
This would be a great stock, except that the options are very undeveloped, the market isn't paying the investors very much to own the stock.
As always, this is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please people, do your own research before you invest your own money.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Gold Watch
The Spot price for 1 Troy ounce of Gold is:
1,646.00 -31.50
GLD .............. 159.89 -3.05
IAU ............... 16.05 -0.29
DZZ ............... 4.74 +0.17
Big Ben opened his mouth again today to push down gold, treasuries, and the market, so the dollar would go higher.
1,646.00 -31.50
GLD .............. 159.89 -3.05
IAU ............... 16.05 -0.29
DZZ ............... 4.74 +0.17
Big Ben opened his mouth again today to push down gold, treasuries, and the market, so the dollar would go higher.
The Nasdaq
In this section, we will look at all the stocks listed on the Nasdaq.
We will look at everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and sometimes the really ugly. Sometimes it takes looking at a real stinker to know when you find a gem, a ten bagger, a real winner.
With that said, today's stock is:
Cadiz Inc. Symbol............. CDZI
Sector ............................ Services
Industry ........................ Business Services
When doing further research, I found that the discription of this company is a little off. This company is a large truck farm ( 35,000 acres ) and land developer in the Cadiz valley in California. There are only 11 full time employees.
Current Price ................. 9.51
52 Week Range ............. 6.77 - 12.75
1 year Target Estimate ... N/A
Beta ............................... 1.07
Avg Volume ................... 30,578 Very weak volume.
Market Cap .................... 146.66 Million
P/E .................................. N/A
Forward P/E .................... N/A
Profit Margin ................... N/A
EPS .................................. -1.20
For me a negative EPS is a deal breaker. An unprofitable company will go bankrupt far faster than a profitable one will.
Dividends ......................... None
Options ............................. Weak but existent
No Analyst's 5 year growth estimates.
This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.
We will look at everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and sometimes the really ugly. Sometimes it takes looking at a real stinker to know when you find a gem, a ten bagger, a real winner.
With that said, today's stock is:
Cadiz Inc. Symbol............. CDZI
Sector ............................ Services
Industry ........................ Business Services
When doing further research, I found that the discription of this company is a little off. This company is a large truck farm ( 35,000 acres ) and land developer in the Cadiz valley in California. There are only 11 full time employees.
Current Price ................. 9.51
52 Week Range ............. 6.77 - 12.75
1 year Target Estimate ... N/A
Beta ............................... 1.07
Avg Volume ................... 30,578 Very weak volume.
Market Cap .................... 146.66 Million
P/E .................................. N/A
Forward P/E .................... N/A
Profit Margin ................... N/A
EPS .................................. -1.20
For me a negative EPS is a deal breaker. An unprofitable company will go bankrupt far faster than a profitable one will.
Dividends ......................... None
Options ............................. Weak but existent
No Analyst's 5 year growth estimates.
This is not a recommendation to invest money. This is a product of my own research and opinion. Please do your own research before you invest your own money.
Dow 30 Review
I thought I would study the Dividends and Yield of the Dow 30 stocks. Dividend stocks were all the rage last year, almost like people just now discovered the importance of dividends. Here are the current dividends for all 30 Dow stocks.
AA ................. 0.12 ............ 1.20%
AXP ............... 0.80 ............ 1.40%
BA .................. 1.76 ............ 2.40%
BAC ............... 0.04 ............ 0.40%
CAT ............... 1.84 ............. 1.70%
CSCO ............ 0.32 ............. 1.50%
CVX .............. 3.24 .............. 3.00%
DD ................. 1.64 .............. 3.10%
DIS ................ 0.60 ............... 1.40%
GE ................. 0.68 ............... 3.40%
HD ................. 1.16 ............... 2.30%
HPQ ............... 0.48 ............... 2.00%
IBM ............... 3.00 ................ 1.40%
INTC ............. 0.84 ................ 3.00%
JNJ ................ 2.28 ................. 3.50%
JPM ............... 1.20 ................. 2.60%
KO ................ 2.04 ................. 2.80%
KFT ............... 1.16 ................. 3.10%
MCD .............. 2.80 ................ 2.90%
MMM ............ 2.36 ................. 2.60%
MRK .............. 1.16 ................. 4.40%
MSFT ............. 0.80 ................. 2.50%
PFE ................ 0.88 ................. 3.90%
PG .................. 2.10 ................. 3.10%
T ..................... 1.76 ................. 5.60%
TRV ................ 1.64 ................. 2.80%
UTX ................ 1.92 ................. 2.30%
VZ ................... 2.00 ................. 5.20%
WMT ............... 1.59 ................. 2.60%
XOM ................ 1.88 ................ 2.20%
If you could buy 100 shares of all these stocks, at the end of the year or 12 month period, you would get back 4,409.00 in dividends.
The average yield return for all 30 Dow stocks is 2.67%
AA ................. 0.12 ............ 1.20%
AXP ............... 0.80 ............ 1.40%
BA .................. 1.76 ............ 2.40%
BAC ............... 0.04 ............ 0.40%
CAT ............... 1.84 ............. 1.70%
CSCO ............ 0.32 ............. 1.50%
CVX .............. 3.24 .............. 3.00%
DD ................. 1.64 .............. 3.10%
DIS ................ 0.60 ............... 1.40%
GE ................. 0.68 ............... 3.40%
HD ................. 1.16 ............... 2.30%
HPQ ............... 0.48 ............... 2.00%
IBM ............... 3.00 ................ 1.40%
INTC ............. 0.84 ................ 3.00%
JNJ ................ 2.28 ................. 3.50%
JPM ............... 1.20 ................. 2.60%
KO ................ 2.04 ................. 2.80%
KFT ............... 1.16 ................. 3.10%
MCD .............. 2.80 ................ 2.90%
MMM ............ 2.36 ................. 2.60%
MRK .............. 1.16 ................. 4.40%
MSFT ............. 0.80 ................. 2.50%
PFE ................ 0.88 ................. 3.90%
PG .................. 2.10 ................. 3.10%
T ..................... 1.76 ................. 5.60%
TRV ................ 1.64 ................. 2.80%
UTX ................ 1.92 ................. 2.30%
VZ ................... 2.00 ................. 5.20%
WMT ............... 1.59 ................. 2.60%
XOM ................ 1.88 ................ 2.20%
If you could buy 100 shares of all these stocks, at the end of the year or 12 month period, you would get back 4,409.00 in dividends.
The average yield return for all 30 Dow stocks is 2.67%
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